What Not to Do Before and After a Wax:

1. Don’t Touch Freshly Waxed Skin

I know it might be very tempting to scratch or otherwise massage your newly waxed skin, but touching skin that has just had hair removed from it can easily clog open pores or cause bacteria build-up and infection.

2. Don’t Exfoliate Immediately After a Wax

Though it’s recommended to exfoliate 24 hours before and after a service, it’s important not to exfoliate the skin too close to the time of your wax (on either side!). Exfoliating too quickly after service could further irritate vulnerable and sensitive freshly waxed skin.

3. Don’t Apply Lotions Not Formulated for Post-Wax Use

You might not think there’s any harm in using body butters, lotions, or body washes not specifically made for skin that’s just been waxed, but they would, unfortunately, be mistaken! Products not specifically formulated for use on waxed skin can clog pores and cause breakouts, irritation, and bumps on the skin.

4. Don’t Apply Fragranced Lotions or Perfumes to Freshly Waxed Skin

As is the case with applying lotions or creams not made for use on ultra-vulnerable skin, using perfumes or lotions containing fragrance can also easily irritate and clog pores.

5. Don’t Wear Tight Clothing

After your waxing appointment, it’s important you wear clothing that saves skin from friction, sweat build-up, or otherwise stops it from receiving airflow. Stay away from tight jeans or pants, and clothing made from heavy synthetic materials.

6. Don’t Exercise or Participate in Heavy Activity

For about 48 hours after a waxing service, you are going to want to avoid doing anything that causes a lot of friction or sweat build-up. This includes exercise, sex, or really just any physical activity. Not only do bacteria thrive on sweaty skin, but sweat itself can clog pores and cause breakouts and inflammation. Additionally, friction will irritate the skin even further and can cause damage to vulnerable skin, leaving it susceptible to infection or ingrown hairs.

7. Don’t Go to the Beach/Pool or Hot Tub

Especially during the summer, clients may feel inclined to get waxed, only to go swimming or to the beach directly after, or in the next couple of days. They did just get a fresh wax and are looking their best, after all!

However, this is a bad idea. Going swimming in salt or chlorine-filled water earlier than 48 hours after a wax is going to cause irritation and further bumps to form on vulnerable skin. Water can also easily carry various kinds of bacteria, which can also harm freshly waxed skin. Not to mention how harsh chlorine and sand can be! It’s best to steer clear of the water for 48 hours following a wax to keep skin safe.

Additionally, exposing oneself to excessive sun at the beach or pool less than 48 hours after a service can leave already-sensitive skin extremely susceptible to burning and scarring, as it’s been stripped of protective layers that would usually shield it from the sun. Even after the 48-hour window, make sure clients take extra care to apply sunscreen to the skin if you're going to be outdoors (as you should anyway!).

8. Go for a Chemical Peel

Our last post-wax no-no is to avoid going for chemical peels for at least 72 hours following a waxing service. The superficial layer of skin cells has been previously removed from skin during a wax, which leaves skin ultra-sensitive. Going to a chemical peel less than 72 hours after a wax can result in this vulnerable area being damaged, left overly dry, or can lead to infection.


It’s important to understand that you must be aware of products you use at home and how they might affect each waxing appointment you make. This includes medications. *Note, please keep AlpineGold aware of any product changes from your previous appointment to the next. When in doubt, for the face, we can always Thread.


The following products can make your skin more sensitive. Thin, sensitive skin is more vulnerable to lifting and sensitivity during waxing.

Acne products

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic, Lactic)

Oral Antibiotics

Topical Antibiotics


Salicylic Acids

Any acid based products



You must wait a minimum of seven (7) days before waxing after a light chemical

peel or microdermabrasion.

Women may experience extra sensitivity to waxing up to a week prior to the

beginning of their period

No waxing on sunburned skin

No waxing on irritated areas


Topical Retinol, Retin-A

Taking blood-thinning medications

Taking drugs for autoimmune disease


Taking prednisone or steroids

Psoriasis, eczema, or other chronic skin diseases

Rosacea or very sensitive skin

History of cold sores or fever blisters (waxing can cause a flare-up)

Using hydroquinone

Recent surgical peel, microdermabrasion or chemical peel using glycolic, alpha

hydroxy, or salicylic acid, or other acid-based products


You’re pregnant, taking birth control, hormone replacement, or antibiotics. Your

skin may be more sensitive to waxing.

Smokers or those with Rosacea. Waxing can irritate dilated capillaries (weak or

broken blood vessels) which are common with smokers or people with Rosacea. If

the capillaries are very red, stay away from waxing that area.

You take blood thinners, have diabetes, phlebitis or want post-cancer hair growth in the side-burn area removed. These all relate to medical conditions so first get a Doctor's approval before waxing. And bring in said approval on doctors letterhead.

The use of powerful exfoliators on your skin. Salicylic, alpha-hydroxy acid, etc.

You use any product with white willow bark. White willow bark extract and enzymes all strip cells from the skin. It’s too much exfoliation combined with waxing and could make the skin red, bleed or even lift and turn scabby.

You recently consumed a lot of caffeine. This stimulant in your system can cause skin to be extra sensitive to waxing. Meaning you could get more red or inflamed than usual.

Drinking alcohol the day of or the night before waxing. Alcohol causes the blood to rise to the surface of the skin and can cause the skin to bruise easily.

Stop using the above products in the area getting waxed for at least three (3) days before, and three to four days after waxing. If the alpha-hydroxy is over 8% then you should wait months before safely waxing.

Wax Rashes, Bumps, and Folliculitus

Read all about what can happen post wax:

Post Wax Inflammatory issues including rashes, redness, bumps and more...